Monday, October 26, 2009

Tournaments Coming Up!

Last week, we let the kids play FULL GAMES of chess.
It was useful to see how far they have come. Some kids amazed me! Most kids still need a great deal of work before they learn the game... but thats OK!!! There's lots of time. If you have a chess board at home, make sure they know how the pieces move, that's the first hurdle.
Remember, the PRIMARY GOAL of the chess class is to LEARN THE GAME and HAVE FUN! If a child wishes, they may join tournaments when they are ready!!! We have three divisions- WHITE, BLUE and RED. See the explanation of BLUE players below, on this blog site.
Our first tournament as a team is NOVEMBER 7, at Goodrich elementary!!! This will be a fun, WSCF scholastic tournament! Then, another one on November 14th, then the big tournament at University School on November 21st!!!
Just a couple weeks before our first tournament.
Remember, these tournaments are OPTIONAL and are best only for kids who have learned the basics. Before Nov 7th, I would like to have an extra session for the WHITE DIVISION. A CHESS FOUNDATIONS course. Still thinking about this.... would be good to give special attention to the beginners. I am thinking to also invite some of the Lake Denoon players to help out! Let me know if you have any ideas here. Thanks!

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